Happy Wheels Wiki
Happy Wheels Wiki

The featured levels menu as of 3/25/2023

A featured level is a level that is chosen specifically to be showcased on the main PLAY menu that are hand picked by Jim. Featured levels are accessed by pressing "PLAY" on the Happy Wheels main menu.

Featured levels are assumed to be levels of great quality, entertainment, originality or innovation, but Jim has not explained his system for choosing which levels should be featured. Some levels may be featured to showcase a new addition to Happy Wheels, such as DC metro station, which demonstrates the glass panel, and Viking Revenge 3, featuring the harpoon gunDemo versions of Happy Wheels only feature a few of the first featured levels. Some of the more popular featured levels are BMX_Park II, Obstacle Course?, Happy Green Hills, Speed bridge, Laboratory 1, and half of doolie's Dawn of the Dead Series.

The FAQ says how to get your level featured:

Unfortunately there is no guarantee that every good level will be featured. Your best bet is to create a level that is fun to play, looks decent, and can be understood even by new players. A fun level is more important than a detailed level that is not fun. Before you obsess over drawing blades of grass, make sure your level is fun enough so that if you die or fail, you want to try again. Try testing your levels out with your friends or family. If they don't like it or don't understand it, you probably won't get a good rating and we won't ever see it. Your level can take anywhere between 30 seconds and 2 minutes to complete. There are no formal rules, so if you create something amazing, it could still be featured!

Currently Featured Levels (In Alphabetical Order)

There are a total of 139 Featured Levels.

(t) - This level is featured twice, one is the original, while the other is the fixed version. Both share the same name.


  • On April 1st, 2012, IAMURHUSBAND played a 'prank' on the Featured Levels page. The first two IAMURHUSBAND levels (POKEMON TRAINING and string) had their names changed. POKEMON TRAINING became "POOP" and string became
    Husband prank

    IAMURHUSBAND's April fools prank.

  • The levels are organized from the newest, then the weighted rating.
  • There are over 100 Featured Levels in the game (139 total).
  • When selecting a level in the user level browser, the blue rectangular button says "Play Now [Arrow pointing towards the right]" instead of "PLAY NOW!?". Possibly because featured levels are assumed to be the most fun and the "!?" brings more excitement. Although, featured levels can also be seen in the user level browser.
  • The Combine 2.1 is currently the top rated featured level with a weighted rating of 4.45, and - I Save You Indy! - is the lowest with a weighted rating of 2.17.
  • The Combine 2.1 is currently the top played featured level with over 100 million plays, with -World of Mysteries- being the lowest at just over 130 thousand plays.
  • Many users have requested Jim to add a scroll bar to the featured levels, but Jim has not responded to this yet.
  • If you rapidly tap on a featured level that hasn't been selected yet, the light and the arrow will take longer to reach the selected level.
  • Featured levels that have been deleted do not actually get deleted in the featured levels menu, but they do get deleted from the user level browser.
  • It is unknown if the featured levels will make a transition to the upcoming sequel.
  • Featured levels do not show the actual rating, and you can only sort them by the highest amount of stars to the lowest.
  • It's possible for a featured level to be unfeatured, such as Crime City! ! MaToBatoo ! !, and Segwayball (With AI).
  • Happy Green Hills is unfortunately no longer playable since the release of the JavaScript port.